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Home > News > From Chotebor to Sao Paulo - Czech technologies are making its way to the local market.

From Chotebor to Sao Paulo - Czech technologies are making its way to the local market.

Czech company Cheops spol s.r.o. is marking its first success at the Brazilian market by suppling of the first reference KEG line in Brazil for Ambev group. This is the first step in the long term presence in the region.
Cheops CEO confirmed the first contract signed for brazilian Ambev brewery (part of the Anheuser-Busch InBev group). More than one year of negotiations preceded the signature of the contract for automatic KEG cleaning/filling line with strongly innovative character that without exaggeration uses full potential of Industry 4.0. Pilot project is also unique from another point of view: technology that prolongs the  shelf life of current beer production allows to improve efficiency and helps to optimize current logistic and distribution networks. It is expected that this project will open the door for the future long term cooperation with Ambev group and other local breweries in the region.
Small familly company Cheops was established in early nineties and was mainly focused on the production of small filling lines for mineral water. With the slow transfer of its portfolio towards brewing industry Cheops started to build up its reputation and became a partner for important brewing groups such as Heineken and InBev. Company Cheops is nowadays mainly focused on processing technologies that ensures the beer stabilization during manufacturing process and cleaning/filling technology for KEGs and other containers.
Cheops is currently exporting 80% of its production. First idea to enter Brazilian market came in 2017 and following market reseach helped to map the current specific situation on the  Brazilian market that is currently on the rise. Company is now providing a consultation services in Sao Paulo for local breweries however permanent pressence through the sister company is not excluded too.
"On this example you may see how essential is long term presence in the region and focus on building of the strategical partnerships, that may take much longer to build in comparison to the european market. I am also happy that Cheops is evalating government support positively and they are actively participating on the economical diplomacy and using the funding support of the Ministry of Agriculture" - says Mr. Milos Sklenka -  Czech Republic general consul in Sao Paulo.
First reference KEG line in Brazil should be started in the beginning of 2021 in Ambev premises in Sao Paulo.